Mahi Davide

Neuro Emotional Integration Therapist 
& Meditation Teacher 

Ready to arrive
home within yourself?

As a certified Neuro Emotional Integration Therapist and Meditation & Mindfulness Coach, I am here to nurture and help you unpack the stories you no longer need to drag along and from that open space: write your next, most empowered chapter (yet). Together, we'll harness your most liberating insights to craft the life you've always envisioned for yourself.

Our journey together is rooted in unconditional acceptance of the present and a steadfast belief (or better yet, reminder) of the self-healing powers contained within your intelligent body,
mind and soul.

You are the ultimate architect of your reality, and I am here to provide the framework that helps you re-discover and re-claim that power. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, where each step forward is a step toward realizing your true potential.

Mahi's pillars of a. succesful therapy journey :


This powerful holistic approach, rooted in the best of Eastern and Western medicine, uncovers deep-seated emotional blocks and integrates them into the desired reality you consciously choose to embody next. Physical ailments, mental doubts & stagnation, traumas and even allergies can be resolved. As a certified Neuro Emotional Integration therapist,
I guide you to re-write the inner narrative to one of your choosing.

Introduction session (90 min.): €110,-
Continuation (90 min.): €125,-
*package prices & financial support available


With 6+ years of teaching meditation in and around Europe, with clients on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, meditation has become an integral part in the practice and portal through which I teach my clients to continuously tap into their creational powers.

Explore my free guided meditations,
or book a 1:1 bespoke meditation session to design a meditation practice tailored to your unique needs.

Private Meditation Session (60 min): €90,-


Working with me you’ll receive a variety of embodiment techniques to further craft & embody the new version of yourself that is being built.

The true change you wish to see in your reality can only take place when you start to embody and take action from your new identity. Whether you work with me through a recorded meditation or you take a deeper plunge in a 1:1 session, your evolution is inevitable.

What others are saying

What others are saying

  • Pauline Blechman / Visual Artist

    'As a sign from the universe during my low, I stumbled on Instagram and found Mahi. I knew her from Amsterdam.

    I also knew she has a beautiful soul and I knew that I needed a meditation coach. There was no hesitation that she would be the one. She cares for the people she works with and is curious and passionate for what she does and that comes to show. Mahi tailors the meditation session by listening to the requests and topics I mention to her. A major plus to continue is her velvet voice.'

  • Cory Osborn

    ‘Before (we worked together) I tended to be often quite stressed, overwhelmed, driven by my responsibilities, guilt and my compassion for the people around. I've planned my week almost all the time with unrealistic standards of what I want to achieve. What has changed is a re-centering into my own person. I feel I can modulate and create an everyday life which is much more balanced and kept safe. It feels as if my "inner masculine" is learning how to hold space and to organize myself in such that I have space for rest, relaxation and contentment. I feel much more content with myself.’

  • Christie Cushing / Mindfulness movement NYC

    ‘I've been working with her for several weeks now and all I can say is that I now know what it means to come home to myself. She has helped me shed layers around myself, so I can return to loving myself in my absolute worth.’

  • Mina A.

    ‘Mahi creates a safe space to explore your internal environment and she is so gracious about sharing her wisdom about holistic practices. Memorable is an understatement. I will carry the impast of her sessions with me for the rest of my life.’

Or get in touch directly